Prof. Suresh is the director of the Engineering Representations and Simulation Lab (ERSL) . The ERSL research group focuses on large-scale topology optimization, design for additive manufacturing, and high performance finite element analysis (FEA).
The novelty in the topology optimization approach is the concept of topological level-set that combines topological sensitivity and level-set in a simple and robust manner. This has resulted in innovative methods for handling manufacturing constraints, tracing Pareto curves in multi-objective optimization, designing multi-materials and compliant mechanisms.
In parallel, the research group has made several ground breaking advances in high-performance finite element analysis. The dual-representation strategy demonstrated how classic beam and shell theories can be used as efficient preconditioners for 3D FEA. The novel concept of tangled FEA extends classic FEA to tangled meshes containing inverted elements, bypassing the unsolved problem of mesh untangling. The group also proposed the idea of limited-memory deflated FEA to exploit modern multi-core CPUs and many-core graphic programmable units (GPUs).
Several software modules have been created by our research group; please see links to the right.
For example, a Matlab-based design optimization toolbox Design Optimization Software accompanies the text Design Optimization using Matlab and SolidWorks, authored by Prof. Krishnan Suresh. This module also includes SolidLab, a Matlab-based interface to SolidWorks. Also available is a Matlab-based Medial Axis Generator (Matlab) for 2D objects.
A Matlab-based design reliabiity software toobox Design Reliability Software has also been recently added.
In classic NURBS, the weights are equal along all physical coordinates. By allowing the weights to change independently in each physical coordinate, a new curve is generated which is called Generalized NURBS (GNURBS). GNURBS Lab is a MATLAB toolbox devised to generate and manipulate Generalized NURBS curves.
A unique characteristic of the research is that it has been translated into industry-strength software. For example, in 2013, the group released ParetoWorks , a topology optimization software that is integrated into SolidWorks™. It is now used by over 50+ universities around the world, and by several industrial partners. Then, in 2015, the group launched CloudTopopt , a unique cloud-based finite element analysis and topology optimization software, used by several hundred designers around the world.
As part of an outreach activitiy, we have also developed CADjs , a Javascript-based CAD programming environment. CADjs is now used both in undergraduate classes, and at local Middle and High Schools.The research group current consists of about 15 highly talented students. Students join ERSL from all over the world including the United States, China, India, Iran, Israel and Europe.
ERSL has graduated 4 PhD and 8 MS students; they are currently employed in academia, as well as semiconductor, machinery and software industries.